
Do you have a story to tell, either positive or negative, about your experience at Shorter? Do you have a story idea or a news tip? Do you have a question about who we are, what we do, or how you can get involved? Please contact us at

11 responses to “Contact

  1. Please do not pursue this protest. You will ruin SHorter’s accredidation when SACS comes. You are ruining my future!!! If you want to do a protest, ATLEAST do ti on a different day! If SACS sees how screwed up we really are, we won’t get our accredidation which RUINS everything I have worked for.

    • Thank you for your comment. We understand and share your concern. Please understand that the protest will not jeopardize Shorter’s SACS accreditation. The only thing that can do that is if SACS finds violations of SACS principles of accreditation.

      We can understand that students are upset, but the problem is not of our making. We wish nothing but the best for Shorter students.

    • Your only hope is that the accreditation agency does see how screwed up the school has become and uses its authority to save you from devastation at the hands of the Southern Baptist radicals!

  2. I am so proud of you for this website, this protest, and telling the truth in love. Please do not tire in your confrontation of Shorter’s hostile Pharisee Revival.

  3. I no longer live in or near Rome but I am disgusted by the mess that has been created by the fanatical Southern Baptist group. Please continue to fight them in any way possible to save Shorter College. Class of ’67.
    Thank you.

  4. Melissa Rowell

    I can’t believe Shorter College is actually making faculty take this sort of hateful pledge! I’m a descendant of the college’s founder, Luther Rice Gwaltney (he’s my great-great grandfather.). Wow, Shorter, I hope you reconsider this! You are going to cause the college to shut down.

  5. Nelson Price is a regular columnist at the Marietta Daily Journal His online columns offer a way for SaveOurShorter supporters to write comments, questioning and exposing his appalling behavior at Shorter.

  6. ShorterOverload

    Why hasn’t there been anything written on this site about Dr.Shull (Provost) being demoted to a professor without due process to replace him as Provost. Would love to find out more about “how” that came about! Rumor is Dr. Dowless put his buddy right in the Provost position and called him an Executive VP. I hate seeing the happenings day by day! Shorter use to be such a wonderful place to work!

  7. This is my first response to Save Our Shorter. Thank you so much for your wonderful website. I read it almost everyday. My husband, Bill Rice, was interim provost for a couple of years but he taught there for twenty years. He and most others saw the writing on the wall in 2003. I was wary of his concern then. I grew up Southern Baptist attending First Baptist Church in Marietta, Georgia until I married and became a Methodist. Bill’s Dad, grandfather, great grandfather, and great great grandfather were all Methodist ministers. Nelson Price was minister at Roswell Street at the time in Marietta when I was growing up. I had no idea that he would become such an un-Christian bully at Shorter. My Dad who is a devout Baptist and Christian warned us many years ago that the Southern Baptist and Georgia Baptist were swinging way too far to the right…..they were being taken over by extreme fudamentalist. I could not believe everything that was happening. Bill was not being paranoid. My brother is also a Baptist minister (moderate, he always stresses). He has been concerned for years even though he has a wonderful church. Thank goodness Baptist churches are more independent than other churches. This is so sad for Shorter. We have had the best friends there. They are truly wonderful Christian friends and now they are faced with early retirement or uprooting their family because they cannot sign that insane bigoted statement. I don’t see how Dowless and Price could be so heartless.

    Please do not grade my grammar. I am a CPA. Anyway, Bill will grade this for me.
    Ansley Rice
    My Shorter friends! I am praying for you!!

  8. I lived in Rome, my Dad was a Baptist Minister, I am not attending a Baptist Church because of the move to the right of the Convention. I had a cousin who taught at Shorter, Louise Bauer. The rigidity of the – I call it – Fox News Christians is killing off a lot of lifelong Baptist History. My sister has worked as an adjuncty professor at Brewton Parker and has wondered why there is no contact. This info explains this. God Bless all of you who are fighting this fight! Sadie Jenkins

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